
Registration Page - Summer Soccer Season


If a player registers with another club outside the district, please remember that once a player has played their first season of youth soccer at Under 11, the player is then bound to that club for the remainder of their youth up to and including Under 18. After having played the first year of youth soccer, a player wishing to move to another club outside our district must request a transfer.

Grassroots (Mini Timbits)

Ramblers - Cornwall

Click here for more information!

Clippers - Hunter River

Click here for more information!

RC United Youth League Soccer U11, U13, U15, U18

Call for Coaches and Bench Staff NOW OPEN

Tryouts and sorting for our district teams will begin in April with our Premier teams. Sorting for our first/second division teams will begin following premier team announcements. As our grass fields are not ready all tryouts/sorting will be on the soccer turf in Cornwall. There will be a one-time fee per player to cover the cost of the turf fee. We ask that this be paid in cash at the first session your player attends. Players must be registered for summer soccer to be eligible to participate in tryouts/sorting.

All RC United policies, practices, and game schedules will be posted on the RC United website.

The majority of games will be played at the Central Queens Soccer Complex in Hunter River. Other fields that will be used for games and practices will include but are not limited to Eliot River U11 fields, New Haven, and Bluefield Senior High School.

Premier teams will wear RC premier colors (black) with the other division teams wearing orange or black jerseys but will be known as RC United. 

Click here for more information


Tryouts will be scheduled to start in April on the Terry Fox Turf in Cornwall. Sorting for first/second division teams will follow premier team announcements. 

TRYOUTS: Pre-registration is required and there will be a small fee to cover turf costs.

Senior Summer Program (Players born 2006 +)

Genders: Separate female and male teams.

Season Length:  mid April to early September depending on the team.

Game Day: Game nights

Divisions: First, Second

Overview: In order to play in the senior men's or women's leagues you must have a team to play with. Currently, RC United does not have any senior teams that individual players can sign up with.

If your team representative has been in contact with the club, and your team has been approved to play with RC United please use the link at the bottom of the page to register.
If you have a team and are looking for a club to play with, please email our Manager of Operations, Diego Orozco for more information. 
Registration costs for senior players is $132.50 per player.  This is your club fee only.  Teams are responsible to pay all of their other costs, such as league fees, referee fees and turf rentals. 
(The club will cover the costs of grass fields, only available for pre-approved usage)

Fee: 132.50




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